Monday, 24 November 2014

Hyper whatttt???

HyperTextMarkupLanguange also known as HTML.

WHAT THE ?????????????????????????????????

- it is the standard markup languange to create webpage
-written in form of HTML element that concists of tags enclosed in angle bracket, commonly comes in pair like  <h1> and </h1>  but there also unpaired and empty elements tags. (exp : <img>)
-each HTML represents different document file content
-it can be use to create list, table ,input image and create blog

HOW TO ??????????????????????????????????????

-MUST include several key components : tags, character-based data types, character references,
                                                                   entity references and document type declaration

  • The DOCTYPE declaration defines the document type to be HTML
  • 'The text between <html> and </html> describes an HTML document
  • The text between <head> and </head> provides information about the document
  • The text between <title> and </title> provides a title for the document
  • The text between <body> and </body> describes the visible page content
  • The text between <h1> and </h1> describes a heading
  • The text between <p> and </p> describes paragraph
challenge yourself here. try to type these codes in your notepad and save as .html and test wether you can produce the same output like in the picture !


Example for simple coding

The output of the above code


so how's your progress so far ?
here comes the last challenge to you ...................


so do you find this software interesting ?
to know more and detail knowledge about this software you can go to this link :)

and in order to make your tutorial more interesting , lets enjoy watching the tutorial here :)

that's all from us .
so we end our entry with a quote.

It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way.
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Nichomachean Ethics

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

chemsketch for dummies !

Do you know what is the chemsketch ?

    It is a software that can be used to produce molecules, name of organic molecules as well as Lewis structure,  view as 3D models, stick models and space filling or ball are among other thing.

Here are some basic things to know about this software

Drawing your first ever molecule by chemsketch

Propane, 2-dimensional drawing
  1. When you open this software, two of the tool buttons are already lit up. One is along the left side and labeled as C for carbon while the other one is a tool that looks like a pencil drawing a line named "Draw Normal".
  2. As indicated by word "Structure", if it is lit up means that it is in structure mode and you now can draw your molecule.
  3. By the single anywhere on your main screen, you can see CH4 appear.
  4.  Position the pointer over either C-region of that H3C-CH3. You will know when the pointer is properly positioned because a faint box will appear around the C atom you have chosen (along with its hydrogens). Single click.\
  5. Tadaaaaa ! Now you should see a 2D structure of ethane. 
  •  Here are some general information you might want to know.

    To add a Carbon, click on place where you want to add and use the C tool to operate it.
    Each time you add a C, the number of Hydrogen shown will adjust approriately.
    With this simple tools, you are drawing molecules of C and H.

To make things more interesting, lets move to the higher level and lets draw a complex structure.
For not letting this tutorial become a boring tools, let watch some beneficial video.

so now your level had been upgraded !

 How to name the structure?

click tool at title bar then choose Generates name for structure
 then you can have the name for your structure. 

*for you whose already in higher level and need more information or specific details, you might want to download the book HERE

so now you have some basic on Chemsketch and you are no longer a dummies! :)


Wednesday, 5 November 2014


What is Maple.......????????? Do you know about it guys? Today we will share with you about maple software.

For your information, maple is a powerful mathematical software packgae. It can be used to obtain both symbolic and numerical solution of problems in arithmethic,algebra,and calculus and to generate plots of the solution it generates.

Actually did you know how to have maple in you computer?For sure you have to download it first.

Here we will share with you the steps to install it.

First of all,click on the URL (link) for the file on the page. Your browser should give you the option either to open or save the file. Choosing "open" should cause the Maple software on the computer to start and the file will be loaded into Maple. Choosing "save" will give you a chance to save the file somewhere so you can open it later.If this approach doesn't work, try the following
Hold the mouse over the link on the page. The URL should point to a file in the form *.mw (or *.mws, or *.ms).
  1. Right-click on the link. A menu will appear.
  2. Select the Save Link As option. A "Save As" dialogue box will appear. You can then save the file (make sure it's a Maple -- *.mws -- file) on the computer.
Now,after the first step you will have maple in you computer~~

To start Maple, click (or doubleclick) on the Maple icon -- or click on Maple in the list of programs on your computer.

  1. The Maple prompt looks like this: >
    In Maple, the user types in commands at the prompt. After typing Enter, Maple will display any relevant output and then a new prompt will appear.Note that typing Enter on a Windows computer means using either the regular Enter key on the keyboard or the Enter key on the number pad. However, on a Macintosh, the key on the keyboard is a Return key, not an Enter key.On a Macintosh,you must use the Enter key on the number pad for maple to process a command.
  2. There are two different ways to type things into a Maple worksheet: text and input. Input is typed at the prompt. Text is information that is not actually processed by Maple. It is usually used for comments. To add text, you can turn a prompt into a text field. With the cursor at the prompt, click on the "T" button at the top of the window (or press Ctrl-T).If you are in a text field and you want to return to the prompt, you can click on the button next to the "T" button that looks like a Maple prompt (or press Ctrl-J). The button that looks like a summation sign next the the "T" can be used to insert (non-executable) mathematical notation into your text.
  3. There are two ways to end a Maple command: with a semicolon or with a colon. If the command does not have either a semicolon or a colon, then Maple will not process the information.
    1. If you end the command with a semicolon, the information will be processed and the output will be displayed.
    2. If you end the command with a colon, the information will be processed, but the output will not be displayed.
  4. Basic arithmetic: + - * /
    These are the four basic arithmetic operations used by Maple.
  5.  Some examples:> 52 + 9;

    > 42 * 357;

    > (52 + 9) / (42 * 357);

  6. The command evalf will turn output into a decimal value:> evalf ( (52 + 9) / (42 * 357) );

  7. A few more built-in functions and what they mean in Maple:
    2 ^ 3;23
    exp (7);e7
    ln (9);log e 9
    log (72);log e 72
    Note: both ln and log indicate log base e. log does not indicate base 10.
    To get log base 10 of 72 type log[10](72)
    abs (47);| 47 |
    sqrt (4);the square root of 4
    sin (Pi);sin (3.14159...)
    cos (2*Pi);cos (2*3.14159...)
    arcsin(1/2);sin-1 (1/2) or arcsin (1/2)
    arccos(sqrt(3)/2);cos-1 (sqrt(3)/2) or arccos (sqrt(3)/2)
    Some examples:
    > log (10^4);

    > sqrt (25);

    > sin (2*Pi);

    > abs (-17.3);

  8. Maple is more than just a calculator, though. It can use variables. In order to assign a value to a variable, use :=For instance;
    > a := 17;

    a := 17
    > b := 3:
    > a + b;

  9. The := assignment can also be used to write expressions. The command subs can be used to substitute a value into an expression. In the following example, f is an expression.> f := x^2 - 2*x + 1;

    f := x2 - 2x + 1
    > subs (x=3, f);

  10. In addition to expressions, Maple can also create functions. These are similar to expressions, but they use different notation. We will turn the above expression f into a function named g.> g := x -> x^2 - 2*x + 1;

    g := x -> x2 - 2x + 1
    > g(3);

  11. Maple also has a plot function. To plot the expression f over the range x=-5 to x=5, this is what you would enter at the prompt:> plot (f, x=-5..5);
    In Versions 4 and 5, the plot will automatically appear on your worksheet. In Version 3 and on the Macintosh, it will appear in a separate window. You can then copy the image from the window and paste it into your worksheet. Copy and Paste can be found under the Edit menu on every version of Maple.
    To plot g instead of f, you would type: plot(g(x), x=-5..5);
  12. Note: You need to have taken calculus to understand this section.
    To take the derivative of an expression or a function, use the command diff. To take the integral of an expression or a function, use the command int. Again, using f and g:> diff (f, x);

    2x - 2
    > diff (g(x), x);

    2x - 2
    > int (f, x);

    1/3x3 - x2 + x
    > int (g(x), x);

    1/3x3 - x2 + x
  13. Maple knows several constants. However, Maple is case sensitive. So if you are using one of these constants, make sure that it is properly entered. The constants are used in place of a regular number. Here are some constants in Maple and their mathematical equivalents:
    Ithe square root of -1
  14. When you open a saved worksheet in Maple, you will see all of the input and output that was on the screen when the worksheet was saved. However, Maple does not "know" what input was entered when the worksheet was originally used. So there is a command called Execute Worksheet that will execute all of the input again in the order it appears on the screen. On Windows Versions 4 and 5, click on the Edit menu, highlight Execute, and select Worksheet. On Windows Version 3, click on the Format menu and select the Execute Worksheet command.

In addition,you can explore more about maple code by open the link below :

click here