Monday 24 November 2014

Hyper whatttt???

HyperTextMarkupLanguange also known as HTML.

WHAT THE ?????????????????????????????????

- it is the standard markup languange to create webpage
-written in form of HTML element that concists of tags enclosed in angle bracket, commonly comes in pair like  <h1> and </h1>  but there also unpaired and empty elements tags. (exp : <img>)
-each HTML represents different document file content
-it can be use to create list, table ,input image and create blog

HOW TO ??????????????????????????????????????

-MUST include several key components : tags, character-based data types, character references,
                                                                   entity references and document type declaration

  • The DOCTYPE declaration defines the document type to be HTML
  • 'The text between <html> and </html> describes an HTML document
  • The text between <head> and </head> provides information about the document
  • The text between <title> and </title> provides a title for the document
  • The text between <body> and </body> describes the visible page content
  • The text between <h1> and </h1> describes a heading
  • The text between <p> and </p> describes paragraph
challenge yourself here. try to type these codes in your notepad and save as .html and test wether you can produce the same output like in the picture !


Example for simple coding

The output of the above code


so how's your progress so far ?
here comes the last challenge to you ...................


so do you find this software interesting ?
to know more and detail knowledge about this software you can go to this link :)

and in order to make your tutorial more interesting , lets enjoy watching the tutorial here :)

that's all from us .
so we end our entry with a quote.

It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way.
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), Nichomachean Ethics

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